「木の大学講座」開講メッーセージ 1986 から総合学域へ 2022|A message of the comprehensive study between Tree and Wood 1986 – 2022 (再掲)木」と人間の関わりは、森林破壊を続け、資源を使い果たし、生存基盤までも危うい方向へ突き進みます。樹木から離れては、生き続けられません。

グローバル化の行き着いた矢先には、ウイルス感染に続いて戦争まで起こされ、天然資源争奪・「COP26 気候変動枠組条約締約国会議 2030年森林伐採停止」の前にウッドショックが再来して、戦争まで始まり、深刻な問題がせまります_空気や水のように、無くなるまで意識されないまま。
■ 開講のメッセージ:
■ 関心の強い科目や研究テーマは、編集が続きます。
多くの関連する事象を総合学域として取り込み、新しい知見や伝承を繋げ、困難な課題のソリューションに繋げていくこともできるでしょう。現状では、「SDGs 持続的生長システム」は希望的なイメージであり、多くの課題からも森林系や木材関連ミステル産業の実情は深刻な状態に見えてきました。
・卒業したら学校おさらばではない「森林系大学」への世紀末アプローチ|木の総合学域- 職能」を取り込む高等専門校の設立準備提案の骨子 1996
多くの関連するものを総合学域として取り込み、新しい知見や伝承を繋げ、困難な課題のソリューションへ繋げていくこともできるでしょう。現状では、「SDGs 持続的生長システム」は希望的なイメージであり、更に多くの課題からも、消滅する森林系や木材関連ミステル産業の実情は、深刻な未来に見えてきました。
In the beginning …
Since the beginning of human history, we have used ”wood” in every facet of our lives and industrial activities, insuring our existence and developing our culture.
In the latter half of the 20th century, petroleum products made a new base for civilization and high technology society brought a new life-style wherein we are today surrounded by artificial environments created from inorganic composite materials, and wherein we are also continuously exposed to and bombarded by electromagnetic waves and light emissions produced by electronic equipment and objects made from these new synthetic materials, a situation never before experienced by Man.
Although basic human physiological functions and characteristics have not changed since ancient times, nevertheless, a wide range of influences and changes have appeared in the natural environment and its resources, and in our social structures and biological fields.
Unlike air, wood does not specially feature in our daily lives. With the exception of a few varieties, wood is normally accepted as being ”safe” and ”harmless” − and certainly, no-one would raise logical objections against wooden materials or the greenery of Nature itself.
WIthout trees, which are both the main and back-up support systems for our planet’s atmospheric and water cycles, all life-forms − both large and small - from the largest animal to the most minute micro-organism, would disappear.
Trees are also the most useful and indeed, the only resource material which Man is able to increase and reproduce.
Wood has traditionally played a key role in both our spiritual and cultural lives. including industrial technology, education, research, art and even political administration.
From the viewpoint of the Earth’s life-cycle, therefore, global study of the relationship between wood and Man and the establishment of an integrated study of wood represents an important step to future design.
In bringing the “Wood University” plan to its practical stage, we invited first class researchers and specialists from many fields and transversally selected the subjects for their lectures.
With the opening of the “Wood University,” we wish to request as many people as possible for their participation and support. in May,1986.
ⓒ2022 , Kurayuki Abe
All Rights Reserved. No Curation and No Business Uses.
木の総合学研究2022 「木の総合学域へのアプローチ」「講座開講の目的と教科資料」